Crazy Da Must Sing      1     2      3      6      7      8      9      10      11      12      13      14

15      16      17      18      19      20      21      24      25      26      27      29      30      32      34

35      36      37      38      39      40      41      42      43      44      45      46      47      48      49     

index, by first line

Crazy Da Must Sing

The One who crawled me off His knee

has set His eye within the sea,

and says the sky has looked for me

since time has hid me in the tree.

But I have come to live with men,

to say the same since He knows when,

until it’s time to die, and then

I’ll crawl upon His knee again.

So hear me.

No one can know the why of me,

no one can solve this Mystery,

and least of all the you of me,

for I have been the last to be.

Of all who came to this event,

I came with much the least intent,

and when the words of life are spent,

it is not I but you He sent.

So hear me.

I am the other side of them

who are the inner life of men,

who turn you into souls again,

or wait in heaven until then.

I am the one with rounded face,

whose navel holds me in my place,

and all the while you search the space,

I’m here and grinning with my Grace.

So hear me.

What I say, the ears can hear.

When you will see me, I am Here.

My life is measured year by year.

But I am not the same as fear.

If I can put such things to rhyme,

my laughter is the act of time.

Truth is enough. I make no sign.

Before I speak, the world is mine.

So hear me.

I AM, He.