Big Philosophy for Little Kids

An Affective Curriculum While Learning to Write

Fifth Grade Edition, California Standards

©2020 Frank Marrero, M.A.T. These written materials may be used freely to educate our children, but do not use otherwise without written permission.

Teacher-Modeling Video Online Courses about

Big Philosophy for Little Kids


Unit 2: Tell Me a Story & The Legend of English

The fundamentals of story-telling: Setting, Character, Plot;

The Story of English

(and a basic view of 2000 years of Western History)

Children Practice Self-Expression While Exercising the Features of Story-Telling

From Across the Parking Lot to My Fun Story

The Legend of English

Autobiographical Frames

Retelling Fairy Tales

Common Core Standards Addressed: Writing Narratives 3a, b, d, e; 4, 5, 10 Speaking and Listening: 1 b, c Collaboration

Reading Informational Text: 5, 6

PLEASE NOTE: This lesson is teacher-in-place intensive. The video lesson mainly concerns the Legend of English Story, and introduces the features of Story-Telling. The Teacher-in-place (you!) will  have to seriously dive into the parts of story-making as described in the book and video.

The curriculum Big Philosophy for Little Kids is FREE in pdf form below.


PDF of ENTIRE Curriculum



CORE ALL-Stories.pdf:

(Supplemental World-Cultural Stories to Support the Lessons in Big Philosophy for Little Kids)



Video Lesson

25 minutes playing time